
Saturday, October 27, 2012

You may be looking at the next Food Network Star!

Baby I'm on my way! My life has been quite the journey. For most of it so far I have been obese, but really I've been hiding from everyone. Over the past year and a half I have embarked on a weight loss journey. Now at 62 pounds down I realize I changed from the inside out. The weight loss was more a by product of all the small changes I made in my self. A lot of the changes were mostly behavioral and those are the lasting ones! I have also learned the same changes and things I have learned from weight loss are applicable to achieving anything in life!

You have all seen and enjoyed my blog posts, some of you have even made them! This is extremely fulfilling to me. It fills my heart with just a rediculous amount of joy! Seriously! You have also seen my very first cooking video and demo. So with new found joy I have decided to take it to the next level. I am going to a casting call for "The Next Food Network Star".

My mission and my goal is to spread the joy of the foodgasm with others!

You can eat amazing, delicious, comforting food AND eat healthy! You can even lose weight doing it!


  1. congratulations Sophia! I hope when you are a food network star you will remember us! Now go kick some ass! =)
