
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Replace Black Friday with Friendsgiving!

Every year the holiday season starts sooner and sooner! Is it because Americans love to do good will toward men? Nope- tis the season that makes corporations some serious cash. A few years ago a woman was trampled to death in Wal*Mart on Black Friday. Seriously. To me it was a complete visual metaphor for what this greed had made the holiday season into. Greed on the part of corporations and American shoppers. I am not here to stand on my soapbox and look down on those that shop on black Friday, but I do want to be here as a agent of change. To be the change and offer a substitute.

About a year ago I posted about the holiday I created Friendsgiving (seems I am not the only one that celebrates it). It all started when I was broke and unemployed, this darkest of times made me realize that money and career are a distant second to friends and family. Since Thanksgiving is typically a family holiday, I wanted to create my own holiday the day after to celebrate those I do not share DNA with, but share everything else. It is the perfect day for a celebration: it's a Friday, you still have leftovers and food to share and you didn't get to celebrate the day before with your friends! 

So would you rather freeze your butt off for a cheaper laptop or stay toasty and cozy with your friends and some awesome food at home?  Come on...

Friendsgiving is celebrated with a Turkey dinner and all the trimmings, NY Foodgasm style of course. There is always a twist and I always lower the fat. I send out the word to my very closest friends, the ones that mean the most. I ask everyone bring a dish or a drink to contribute and the dining table turns into a buffet of amazing food! Great food, amazing company and I always like to give a little speech.

This is a time to show how much you really love all of your friends. To show gratitude and to be really serious for a minute and really tell people from the heart how you feel and what they do for you. Many days we are light hearted and rarely REALLY say how we feel and let people know how they affect us and make our lives better. This is the time. The time to make it all real.

My friends actually have come to look forward to this tradition. They expect it and enjoy it more than Thanksgiving itself. No drama, no repressed anger that is sometimes present with family. You can just sit back and enjoy.

This year I have chosen to give thanks to all my fellow chefs and foodbloggers I am most inspired by. Here is the menu.

Beer Brined Turkey- The Beeroness. She beerifes everything, she is cool and she knows her craft beer YAY!)
Thanksgiving Nachos- Inspired by Half Baked Harvest. I have tried at least 5 recipes by her and they ALL rock!
Italian Stuffing- my man Fabio Viviani, He's the BEST! He's seXXXy, he was on Top Chef, he makes me smile and I love his fresh food with an Italian spin!
Maple Pumpkin Brulle cheesecake- Baker's Royale. Her photos have made me swoon since I started blogging, they are gorgeous!

Stay tuned for more details!

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