
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Green Chicken Parmesan with Pesto

Why is this a Foodgasm? I will say this, a fresh homemade pesto is just amazing! the smell is so fresh almost making you think of spring. The taste of fresh basil, olive oil, garlic, pignoli (pine nuts) and parmesan cheese just make create this sweet salty and savory tango in your mouth! Then you place that atop chicken breast with fresh mozzarella, well that takes it to the next level! Lastly getting that fresh mozzarella golden brown, well you are in trouble, you may have just fallen in love with chicken all over again!

This recipe yielded me 7 servings (depends on how thin you can slice the cutlets)

What you need:
2 Chicken Breasts, slices thin lengthwise
1 1/2 cups Basil leaves
2 teaspoons garlic 
7 tablespoons pignoli nuts (pine nuts)
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
6 oz. fresh mozzarella, sliced thin
1/3 cup EVOO or as needed for desired consistency.
dash salt and pepper

How to make it
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Take your basil, pine nuts, garlic, and parmesan and give it a few pulses in your food processor. Add the EVOO until you have the consistency you are looking for. Put a little EVOO at the bottom of a baking pan and place your chicken breasts on the pan add salt and freshly grated pepper and cover generously with pesto and fresh mozzarella. Bake for about 10 mins, then another 5 minutes at 415 to get a nice caramelized cheese crust on top.

How to serve
I love me some pasta so I made some fettuccine and mixed some pesto in.

Nutritional Information
Calories 171.8 Total Fat 11.8 g Saturated Fat 4.3 g  Polyunsaturated Fat 0.2 g Monounsaturated Fat 1.2 g Cholesterol 32.4 mg Sodium 284.2 mg Potassium 58.2 mg Total Carbohydrate 3.2 g Dietary Fiber 0.6 g  Protein 12.5 g

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