
Saturday, November 10, 2012

NY Foodgasm- One Night Stand: Pumpkin Spice Martini

Why is this a Foodgasm? This is something new for NY Foodgasm, but I know you will enjoy it. So a one night stand is something that can happen, it is a little naughty but it's fun as long as it's in moderation. For NY Foodgasm a one night stand is the same thing, something naughty and indulgent that you enjoy in moderation. This Pumpkin Spice Martini falls into that category. Is it good for you? Hell no! But it is soooo good! This is soooo easy, delicious and it is strong! Imagine you just had a rough day (hard to imagine right?) it is cold outside and you want something indulgent WITH alcohol, well look no further!

What you need

Molly's Irish Cream Pumpkin Spice (2 parts)
Vodka (1 part)

How you make it
Mix Sugar and cinnamon together in the bottom of a small plate. In another small plate add some water. Dip martini glass rim into the water and then into the cinnamon sugar. In a shaker add in some ice cubes, Molly's and Vodka in the appropriate ratios. Shake, Shake, Shake and pour!

Then revel in the moment! Oh so good and yes you deserve it!

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