
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pan Fried Polenta Cakes with Butternut Squash and Turnip Puree and Ricotta

Why is this a Foodgasm?

Well this was my first time with polenta, yes I was a polenta virgin, I will admit it. Why oh why did I not try you sooner polenta? You are so delicious and versatile! So for those of you that do not know what polenta is basically coarsely ground cornmeal. It is used in a lot of Italian cooking. I actually saved myself some time and bought a pre-cooked pack of polenta at Trader Joe's. Cheating? I like to think of it as a more efficient use of time. This meal here took like less than 20 minutes to put together. I work full time, as I am sure most of you do, so I like to maximize my time at home. Back to the polenta....this was AMAZING and EASY. This is crunchy, buttery, salty, savory and creamy all on one plate! I cannot even express to you the sexy taste of this- just image a thick buttery potato chip texture on the outside and a baked potato inside....yeah you entered a whole new world. That is pan-fried polenta BABY! Oh and there are health benefits, each serving has more than your daily recommended intake of Vitamin A!

Yields 5 servings

What You Need

  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 package pre-cooked polenta (sold in tubes at Trader Joe's)
  • 1 cup frozen butternut squash, cubed
  • 1/2 cup frozen turnips
  • 1/3 cup low fat milk
  • Served with about 3 tablespoons of part skim ricotta cheese

How to Make it

1- In a frying pan on medium high heat add two tablespoons of salted butter.
2- Cut pre-cooked polenta in slices about 1/4 inch thick.
3- Pan fry the slices of polenta on medium high or until golden brown color.
4- In a saucepan heat up your butternut squash and turnips on medium heat.
5- When they are heated thoroughly add in the butter and milk and stir until it becomes creamy.

How to Serve it

Place one slice of the pan fried polenta on a plate with some of the vegetable puree on top. Add one more polenta cake on top and serve with a dollop of part skim ricotta. Cover with freshly ground pepper and you are good to go! 

Enjoy this foodgasm from my home to yours!

Nutritional Information



  1. That sounds great! I might try the puree and ricotta with my croquettes!

  2. Lauren that is a GREAT idea! Oooooo croquetttes, did you post on them?
