
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Comfort Food Fusion: Red Curry Meatloaf with Coconut Mashed Potatoes

Why is this a Foodgasm?

Does this sound crazy? If I didn't make it I would say yeah that is pretty crazy, but you know what? This is crazy amazing. Like meatloaf kicked up about 10 notches! So aromatic and just the right amount of spiciness. They are also LOADED with veggies! This is lowfat and a foodie's wet dream. American-Thai fusion happened and their baby was oh so beautiful!

I was on my way home and I was thinking I have some turkey chop meat and some veggies, I am gonna make a simple meatloaf and then I got home, opened the fridge and saw my beautiful red curry paste just chillin in the mason jar and I knew, these two needed to be married. An arranged marriage, but once together they realized that it was destiny! Why not add some Thai Red Curry, while I am at it, let's make mashed potatoes...coconut mashed potatoes for the full Thai effect!




What you need

For the meatloaf

24 oz. ground turkey
1/2 zucchini
1/2 bell pepper
1/2 large red onion
1/3 cup shredded carrots
2 tablespoons Thai red curry paste
1/3 cup egg whites
1 cup whole wheat bread crumbs
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon fresh ground black pepper

For the coconut mashed potatoes

7 small new potatoes (18 oz.)
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 teaspoon chili oil
salt and pepper to taste

How to make it


1- Preheat oven to 350˚
2- Add your onion, bell pepper, and zucchini into a food processor and pulse until it is in tiny pieces.
3- Put your ground turkey into a mixing bowl, add in the chopped veggies from the food processor, and the remainder of the ingredients.
4- Combine thoroughly with your clean hands.
5- Place meat mixture into muffin tin, best to put some paper cupcake wrappers in. (My husband did the dishes and washed the muffin tin cursing me under his breath, LOL)
6- Bake for about 20 minutes.

Mashed potatoes

1- Boil potatoes with salt until tender
2- Drain potatoes and mash, I like to use an immersion blender
3- Add coconut milk and continue to blend
4- Salt and pepper to taste

To Serve

I served with toasted coconut. I made a quick apricot coconut curry glaze 2 parts apricot jam to 1 part coconut milk and some red curry paste. Yum!

Nutritional Information

For the individual meatloaves

For the mashed potatoes


  1. Oh my gosh, I never thought of coconut milk with regular mashed potatoes. I have done it with sweet potatoes and it was yummy, but not regular ones! Your meatloaf sounds friggin amazing too!!! Love how healthy it is!!

    1. Thanks so much, this is one that for sure is one of my most healthy recipes. Sometimes they a decedent recipes I just trim fat on, but these are really nutritious!

  2. This sounds great! I love American - Asian fusion. I make these amazing Asian meatballs!!

  3. What a nice little spin on meatloaf and mashed potatoes!!! Lovely!

    1. Thanks! It was really good and I do enjoy putting a spin on a classic!

  4. Thanks to all of you! I am telling you it is AMAZING even though it sounds crazy! If you are not too busy with your own creations, try it out!
