
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chocolate Covered Strawberry Torte and a Giveaway

This is my gratuitous Valentine's Day post. For so many years I loathed this holiday. It is the single gal's day to remember she is single. I remember in college all my friend and I didn't have a boyfriend, so we all banned together and had our own little party (under the bandstand of the college). That was one of my favorite Valentine's Days yet! So all you single ladies don't feel bad, feel empowered because V-Day is just silly even when you have a man or woman.

But still I felt compelled to make a cutesy little cake with strawberry hearts baked into it. I guess I have those two sides: the Martha Stewart and the chick that drinks craft beer and swears. Or as my husband said best: "You are like Martha Stewart, but you say fuck a lot." Yeah that sums me up. That is also why I need to start making videos for you guys! It would be loads of fun for you to meet me, like really get to know me.

But if you love or loathe this holiday- here is an incentive to at least like it. I made you a crazy delish chocolate covered strawberry torte literally with strawberry and chocolate in it and on it. But I have another surprise for you a GIVEAWAY! A really gorgeous handcrafted apron from Guate Love It.

A Little about Guate Love it...

Lori took her first trip to Guatemala in 1978 when she was 19, fell in love with the country, the people and the amazing textiles. She always wanted to go back and since 2010 have made 5 more trips zig zagging around the countryside exploring Mayan markets and visiting artisans in their workshops. On one of the trips she 'hatched a plan' about marketing these astonishingly beautiful textiles and other handcrafts from Guatemala. There's a saying that when you do what you love it won't seem like work. She committed to promoting the work of more individual artisans and incorporating my design background and developing lovely and unique merchandise. Each region/area has it's own distinctive style; color, pattern and techniques of weaving and embroidery and it is fun to 'name that textile'..... She is having a great adventure and want to take everyone along!!!!

Lori and I met last year, and although there is a big age difference, we had a 'mind meld' because we love creativity, food and color! (particularly the color fuschia)

She donates a percentage of what I earn to these groups that are for better education and quality of life. She's still making inroads and will have more direct relationships with artisans as time goes on. There is one other organization, Houses to Homes, like Habitat for Humanity but in Guatemala, she will be donating to.

I thank Lori for these 'beauteous' Guatemalan aprons highlighting my status as 'supreme kitchen goddess.'!! LOL!

Go to the bottom of this post to enter for a chance to win an apron from Guate-Love-It!!

But now BACK to this cake!!!

Why is this a Foodgasm?

Chocolate covered strawberries, the classic Valentine's treat but as a cake. I literally put strawberries in the cake. You know how I usually cut the fat with some pumpkin puree, well I totally used strawberry puree- 'cus I can and 'cus it's delicious! It is just the right amount sweet and chocolatey with a pretty nice moistness to it. I must admit, I was multitasking and lift my cake in longer than I should have.... still was pretty moist. This is due to the amazing properties of Greek Yogurt. It is magical. I can lowfat-ize anything with it!

But if the cake weren't enough, did you catch those cute strawberry hearts I cut and added into the cake? I was so damn proud! I cut a circle of wax paper for the bottom of the cake pan and greased it and put the strawberry hearts in place and carefully poured the batter on top.

What you Need

1 cup strawberry puree' ( takes about a half pint of strawberries)
1/4 cup Nonfat Greek Yogurt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 cup canola oil
2 cups flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
Additional strawberries to make pretty!

Optional but totally recommended Chocolate Ganache

2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips
2 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon canola oil (to make it more drippy)

How to make it

Preheat oven to 350ยบ
1- Combine together all your wet ingredients in an electric mixer with the paddle attachment: 1 cup strawberry puree', 1/4 cup Nonfat Greek Yogurt, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1/8 cup canola oil and 1/2 cup cocoa powder.
2- Slowly add in  2 cups flour, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda.
3- Mix together until everything is well combined.
4- OPTIONAL: slice 2 strawberries vertically and make two cuts at 45 degrees that meet in the middle to make strawberry heart slices. Grease 8" cake pan and cut out circle of wax paper at the bottom and grease more. Arrange hearts as desired and carefully cover with cake batter.
5- Bake for 25 minutes.
6- OPTIONAL: Microwave chocolate in a microwave safe bowl (no plastic, chemicals, no good) mix in the butter and canola oil. It should be nice any drippy. You can dip in the strawberries and arrange on top or just drip over the entire cake!

Nutritional Information

This information includes chocolate ganache!! 





















Enter to win HERE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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