
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Six Point Diesel Brussels Sprouts with Bacon

Why is this a Foodgasm?

So I knew I had to make fresh brussels sprouts, it came to me on a visit to a Brewery in the Financial District of NYC. They served brussels sprouts with bacon. Well duh...bacon makes everything better! Aside from that I thought this is just an excellent side you got your guilt free veggie so you know's totally okay to add a little bacon for favor. A little bacon goes a loooong way!

But how do I give this my own signature Foodgasm flair? ADD BEER! Not just any beer, but Sixpoint Diesel. I heart Sixpoint mostly because they know good design, but also because they have a nice selection of brews. I used their Diesel an interesting combo of a black IPA and American Stout. Not usually a dark beer lover, this one is great since there is no real bitter aftertaste.

It is amazing how the beer really infused the sprouts, then when it reduced it added a sweetness. Then you got some salty awesomely yummy bacon and YES you just landed smack on top of a Foodgasm!

What you need

20 oz. of brussels sprouts, halved.
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 slice bacon, chopped into small pieces
1/2 cup Six Point Diesel Beer


How to make it

1- Put a large frying pan on medium heat with olive oil
2- Once it is heated add your brussels sprouts in one layer, flat side down. Also add the raw bacon pieces in, evenly distributed around the pan.
3- Let these cook until for about 5 minutes covered, or until brown on bottom
4- Add in the beer and let it simmer and reduce a bit, for about 2 minutes
5- Tah-dah DONE!


Nutritional Information

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